Social Learning “Copycat” Theory- Post 1

 I am choosing to write about the social learning theory because I found it to be thought provoking and something we should all talk about more often. The social learning theory explains that people learn through observation of others' behaviors. One could also develop and act on new behaviors that they have learned. I like to think of this theory as like a “copycat” sorta thing. You see someone do something, and then you copy them by doing the same exact thing. The best known example of this was Bandura’s bobo doll experiment. This experiment showed children a video that showed adults behaving aggressively towards a doll, this lead the children to do the same behaviors when it was their chance to interact with the doll. This showed that the children learned and observed and then copied the adults.


  1. I really love this theory, because I have a baby and I really see this in real life. When I start to do things, she will soon copy. I saw this most recently when she started saying the phrase 'I know'. I say that to her when I'm consoling her, so when she's upset now she says 'I KNOWWW!!!'. It's really cute but it reminds me that I should really watch what I say around her.

  2. This is really interesting. I notice this so much both in real life and on the internet

  3. Great post.. Copycat syndrome is something I never thought about until watching 15 Reasons Why. I was told by a teacher anad therapist that copy cat is a behavior that is also done with suicide. Many teens see others doing this and they think because they received what ever attention that by doing the same thing, they can receive the same attention. While doing so, many die not knowing the true consequences of what they were doing.
    I am also a Lead Teacher at a DayCare and I watch infants to 1 year olds and OMG, do I see copy cat behaviors. One behavior would be crying, if one cries the others sollow suite.

  4. Hi Ciara, I thought your description of the social learning theory as a "copycat" event was a creative way to explain the topic. This theory reminds me of the saying "children are a product of their environment" or the popular song "Children will Listen."


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