Post 2: Negative Punishment

 What is negative punishment? B.F Skinner, American psychologist developed the theory of operant conditioning. This theory states, the behavior of a person (or animal) can be altered (increased or decreased) by adding or removing stimuli following a specific behavior. 

Negative punishment occurs when a positive stimuli is removed following a behavior. For example, a teen boy cheats on his quiz at school, and the teacher informs the parents. The parents decide to negatively punish their son by taking away his video game system. The game system serves as his positive stimuli. The removal of the stimuli will in theory, prevent the behavior (cheating on quiz) from occurring again. Skinner further proclaims that negative punishment must be consistent in order to be the most effective. This means the punishment must be administered every time following such behavior.

The following video shows an example of negative punishment:


  1. I felt that this was a great example of what a negative punishment is and how it may occur.

  2. While for certain instances, I feel negative punishment is a bit excessive and we can see that with controlling parents, I feel that when used right, is one of the more effective forms of punishment. Obviously without causing any serious physical or mental harm to the child.


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