Observational Learning

    We have all gone through observational learning without really realizing we have. So observational learning, the behavior of a model is witnessed by an observer and the observer's behavior is subsequently changed (Powell, 2020). Anytime we enter a new environment or social setting and find ourselves unsure or unable what to do we take a look at our surroundings and see what everyone else is doing which is apart of Bandura's social learning theory where environmental and cognitive factors help influence human learning and behavior making us the way we are.

   In the example above we see the pair above unable to use chopsticks and as they observe the people around them they finally understand what to do. We see this behavior with children that are growing and unaware of the meaning of certain things so when playing house they just copy from what they see from the parents, siblings, or random people that they have observed. Another reason why we have to beware of what we say or do around children because we can easily influence their behavior. 


POWELL, R. U. S. S. E. L. L. A. (2020). Introduction To Learning And Behavior: includes apa membership card. CENGAGE LEARNING.



  1. After reading and learning more about Observational Learning, I really haven't thought about myself going through it, but at the end-I have without realizing it like you said. Loved the example you used about chopsticks, I felt like it explained the scenario better. Overall, great post.

  2. Hey Alessia! The example you used is perfect! I always like to think about observational learning with how young children try to copy an adults facial expression and how they move. Great post!

  3. I think Bandura theory and observational learning are so interesting because we all are guilty of conforming to our environment and when it is explained so well in theory it is so relieving and interesting to understand.


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