First Post: Bandura Theory

“Monkey See, Monkey Do” I think is a great way to connect to observational learning and the Social learning Theory. Hull was the first to use the social learning theory but Bandura was more interested in the way imitation plays an impact. The Bobo dolls is a perfect example of this. An adult takes the aggression out and beats the doll as the child watches. The child then repeats as what he just watched from the adult causing  a Monkey see, Monkey do affect.  The behavior was mimicked because of what was seen and done. 

This theory has a big impact on everyday life if you actually think about it. For example, anytime that my dog tries to get something off of the counter, I tell him no with a firm voice and point my finger. As a result, now anytime my son, which is 15 months old, sees the dog sniffing something on the counter he tells him no. He has seen me many times telling the dog no that he had picked up what he should do when he sees the dog by the counter.
Honey, P., Powell, R., & Symbaluk, D. G. (2016). Introduction to learning and behavior (5th ed.). CENGAGE Learning Custom Publishing.


  1. Hi Emily,
    Interesting post! Your explanation was clear and you provided great examples from studies and your own experiences. I also like the connection you made between the Bandura theory and the common phrase of "monkey see, monkey do," great job!


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