Journal Entry Post #1

Chapter 10: The Gestaltists

The trio of Gestaltists discussed in the chapter were Wertheimer, the creative fluent speaker, Kohler, the experimenter and Koffa, the lecturer. Together, the mens differentiations posed an advantage in psychological research. Wertheimer conducted experiments about perception of illusory movement, which led to the conclusion that the illusion of motion takes place at the level of perception in the mind; he referred to this perception as Gestalt. The author, Hunt, provided information expanding on the Gestalt concept, which included the “Laws of Gestalten'' (see figure below). Additionally, Kohler’s concepts about the problem solving processes of animals were experimentally extensive and varied, in terms of the types of animals studied and the findings of each. Following his findings on the psychology of learning, implications were made, suggesting that animals' insight learning does not depend on rewards. The subsequent consequences paved the course for learning the processes of human problem solving in the form of Gestaltist studies. Moreover, Koffa raised questions about the organization and reorganization of the mind. His theories were cleared up after his experiments concluded that memory is not the sticking together of experiences, but a weaving together by means of meaningful connections. Altogether, the three Gestaltists formed special operations of research and experimentation that have permanently contributed to psychology.

Gestalt Psychology
