Journal #1

Professor Mark Berg
 (History & Systems)

Chapter 10

Throughout this chapter, the educational influence of Wolfgang Kohler really stood out to me. Kohler supported, promoted and was a cofounder of Gestalt’s psychology. Kohler went on to establish the mentality of apes in 1925. The mentality of apes focused on chimpanzee’s ability to problem solve. These experiments helped him discover one of the first cognitive theories of learning known as insight learning. Insight learning is described to be the sudden realization of a solution to the problem being focused on. Insight learning has is not a result of imitation, reflex, or experimentation. Immediate/clear learning without trial and error is the learning theory’s definition of insight. The ability to make associations between objects or actions in order to solve problems that arise.  The work of Koffka and Wertheihmer is also discussed throughout this chapter. I focused on Kohler because he captured my attention the most with his findings. A more relatable example to help with the understanding of insight learning is pictures below.
Elements of Thought:
  - My point of view is that Kohler accomplished an abundant amount in the world of psychology. I understand his viewpoints and though the way he discovered insight learning was extremely intriguing. It's like he discovered insight learning through insight learning.
- Purpose is that Kohler brought a new theory of learning to the world of psychology.
 - Assumption is that we can only gain insight while focusing on an individual part of a situation when that is not the case. Through Gestalt psychology Kohler discovered that we can learn once we gain insight to the situation as a whole and not a part.
