Journal #2 - Perception

Chapter 14 is all about perception which is the study of our senses. The 5 senses are see, hear, taste, smell, and touch. While most of us don't think about most of what we do in a day, there is a lot that goes on behind the scenes for us to do everyday normal things. When someone speaks to you, there is a moment your brain takes to process it as well as your eyes to look at the person and fully understand their attitude or body language. There's a brief moment when you try a new food for the first time and your taste buds touch the food, your saliva breaks down the food, and a signal is sent to your brain before you say "yuck" or "yum." Essentially, our senses are the link between reality and our inner organs and body function. 

A key concept of perception is the organization, identification, and interpretation of sensory information. This is important because this is how we understand other people, interpret the environment around us, and grow to like and dislike many things. This is also important when considering that everyone's perception is different from one another. We are all unique and have our own perceptions that may differ from each other. 

Another thing to consider is point of view which is also unique to one's perspective and how that individual views certain things. From one point of view, someone sees four logs while the other point of view sees 3 logs. It is important to see all perspectives other than your own. If you consider an argument you have had with a friend and you feel very strongly about your side and s/he feels very strong about their side, maybe it's time to consider the other side. Maybe your body language (their sight) or your sound (their hearing) gave them an impression than what you intended to put out there.

Lastly, something we need to question is whether perception is learned or something we are born with. Perception is very unique to all of us, so is it our attitudes and opinions? Or do we acquire those attitudes and opinions as we get older and learn through personal experiences? 
