Caitlin Juliano-(History & Systems) First Online Journal Entry

Caitlin Juliano
Professor Berg
Psychology: History & Systems
Wednesday, April 1st 2020

(History & Systems) First Online Journal Entry on Lecture #7 [Chapter 10 of the *course book*]


      While reading the tenth chapter of our course book after Spring break, I found Hunt's chapter to be both informative and clear. The author of this book, Morton Hunt, discussed various and in-depth topics in a very organized and thought-provoking style. Hence, I noticed the clarity throughout his chapter because it allowed me, as the reader, to fully understand what he was stating and claiming as the author. His use of clarity, in addition to organization, permitted me to ultimately feel more confident that I fully grasped and enjoyed what I just read- which can be difficult at times for different authors, especially in such specific topics like these one in psychology.


      The topic in this chapter is Gestalt Psychology. The influence and overall broadness on this topic also interested me as well. The viewpoint of Gestalt Psychology, which had roots of philosphy, also included certain core aspects of rationalism and empiricism. This theory and overall viewpoint of psychology was inspired by views of experience. This form of psychology has been passed down many times throughout several years, as it has formed over time from the initial start by Max Wertheimer. To note, Max Wertheimer promoted Gestalt Psychology as an overall and diverse worldview. Correspondingly, it, as an overall theory and viewpoint, has been utilized in numerous ways and has been both influenced and expanded as a whole. In simpler words, the subject of Gestalt Psychology is the psychology behind the process of thinking. The key concept of this all really is, "How do we think?" Why?" To develop a firm conclusion on these studies, various people studied these theories on both humans and animals too (i.e. primates). All in all, this type of psychology is applied in both psychology as a whole- but in the broad and intriguing field of science too. The eight elements truly apply so greatly towards this course, the journal entries, and Hunt's book.

     -->> When the time comes, I know that those eight elements will even help with replying to other students journal entries- in addition to writing my book report on my group's book: The Optimism Bias.  (This book by Tali Sharot is so interesting! I highly recommend it to the class, especially while all of us our stuck in quarintine. It truly gets you thinking...A LOT! It's a GREAT read. )


  1. When I was reading this chapter I was overwhelmed by how much information there was on Gestalt psychology. I think Hunt did a good job at organizing his thoughts and made learning about this type of psychology easy. I found it interesting how Gestalt Psychology is applied to so many different subjects like you said!


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