Journal #3

Olivia Van Houten

History & Systems

Journal #3

Chapter 10- The Gestaltists


            Chapter 10 introduces Gestalt psychology and how it came to be. Considering there is no exact definition for the term Gestalt some of the common translations are form, structure, and pattern. Gestalt psychology uses “gestalts” to explain the idea of perception. Max Wertheimer, Wolfgang Kohler, and Kurt Koffka each had a hand in creating/promoting Gestalt psychology. Gestalt psychology is seen as the psychology of thinking, specifically productive thinking which is marked by genuine comprehension. They psychologists studied how sensations are put together for a perceptual experience, meaning they studied how the brain notices a whole object, not its parts. Gestalt psychology influenced the development of applied psychology and is still relevant in psychology and science today.

Gestalt Laws of Perceptual Organization

Elements of Thought:

o   The purpose of this chapter was to introduce Gestalt psychology, how it was discovered, and how it is still relevant today.

o   The conclusion that was come to is that Gestalt psychology explains people’s perceptions in gestalts.

o   The information used and presented in this chapter were from different psychologists through their studies and backgrounds and the information presents how Gestalt psychology came to be and what it influenced today.
