What is a Phobia?

 A phobia is an overwhelming fear of a place, object, situation, feeling, or animal. There is a difference between phobia and fear because a phobia is more pronounced than fear and is an exaggerated or unrealistic sense of danger. There are countless phobias that people have with a wide range from arachnophobia which is an intense fear of spiders to arachibutyrophobia which is the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth. The number of irrational fears is insane when I did some research on phobias. I thought it would be interesting to take a look at some of the rare and weird phobias that I have never heard of. 


I highly suggest looking at this link because it shows 21 rare and weird phobias that you have probably never heard of. I always knew about some phobias, but I wasn't sure exactly what differed between a fear and a phobia. 


  1. Hi Madi,

    I don't have a certain phobia where I can not see them nor touch them. But I do have a negative off- putting to cotton balls. I am not scared of cotton balls but I simply do not like the sensation that cotton balls make as you are separating them. I looked it up before and its a sensory phobia of the cotton ball not the cotton ball itself. It gives me a tinkly uncomfortable feeling. I told my friends about this before and they have found it weird but Ive heard many people have the same thing as me which sounds a little weird.

  2. Awesome post! Phobias have always been interesting to me, and the link you attached is great at elaborating on rare phobias. Nomophobia is the most interesting one to me on the list. I assume cell phone addictions and phobias are rather new, as there was a time not long ago at all in which these devices did not even exist. As the article mentions, this phobia can be tied to wanting to be in constant contact with others. Since the phobia is fairly new, I wonder if researchers will find a way to reverse and prevent it somehow in the near future.

  3. Great post! I think phobias are really interesting because there are so many different phobias with different names that most people are unaware of!

  4. Madi once again this is an awesome post! I have always had a phobia of spiders that my family never understood they always thought I was just scared and as you mentioned fear and phobia are two different things. However no matter the size or type of spider I will panic if I ever come into contact or am in the same room as one.

  5. Good Post Madi, I actually do have a phobia pretty interesting for my lifestyle. I love surfing, but I have a water phobia that specifically gets triggered when I am alone and have nothing to hold onto. So if my leash somehow gets disconnected and my board goes flying out of reach, I panic pretty hard.

  6. This is a really well-written post! It's fascinating to study about phobias because there are so many multiple kinds out there now. I have a phobia of throwing up. I cannot stand the thought of people throwing up or even me throwing up. I work in the casino in the entertainment department and so when I see drunk people at concerts, I automatically think they are going to throw up and it drives me insane. I know it's a natural thing, and everyone does it but it bothers me so much and I get paranoid in certain situations.


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