Negative Punishment


    B.F. Skinner was an American Psychologist who helped psychology expand the understanding of how much some things could affect others. He was the inventor of operant conditioning which is a styling tool for parents and guardians to use on their children when they are misbehaving. The behavior of either humans or animals is capable of being altered by decreasing or increasing it, such as removing or rewarding them. 

    A couple of examples would be giving a dog a treat when they scratch on the door to go use the bathroom or taking your child's phone away after they have done something they were not supposed to. Negative punishment is when a positive stimulus is removed after a bad behavior was represented. For instance, taking away the phone, a phone is a privilege we really do not need them. Skinner emphasized the fact that in order for negative punishment to work would be if it was consistent.,occurrence%20of%20a%20particular%20behavior.


  1. Awesome post! After learning about negative punishment, I definitely see its benefits for those who are raising children or animals. As the textbook suggests, it is important to use negative punishment while making sure more adaptive behaviors are learned to decrease maladaptive ones. I loved the link you posted, too!

  2. Great post!! Before learning about negative punishment, I had a basic idea of what it meant, but I did not realize that that negative punishment occurs almost everyday. I can definitely see how negative punishment can work with animals and children.

  3. Melissa I really enjoyed reading your post. Personally I believe Skinner was one of the most influential Psychologists and was ahead of his time with his studies and theories. I really liked how you explained negative punishment and mentioned that it would only work if it were consistent. Great post!

  4. Melissa I truly appreciate reading your post. The term "negative punishment" refers to the stimuli that are altered following the unpleasant conduct, rather than the bad feelings associated with being punished. I believe this may also be effective in classrooms, for example removing a student's phone or tablet for inappropriate usage during class, or removing a student's good-behavior tokens and lowering his/her grades.

  5. This post was interesting to read because anybody can get a takeaway on this information. If someone is a new parent whether it is a child or dog, this information pertaining to negative punishment would be very beneficial. I believe that negative punishment can be a good thing and needed in certain scenarios. The example you gave of taking a phone away was a perfect use.


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