Classical VS Operant Conditioning (Post #2)

 From a psychological viewpoint, classical conditioning is an important aspect of learning. Classical conditioning refers to learning through provoked reactions or instincts. This process starts with a neutral stimulus and gradually transforms it into a conditioned stimulus through repeated pairings. Pavlov is credited with developing classical conditioning. Classical conditioning is divided into three stages: before conditioning, during conditioning, and after conditioning. Because both are behavioral changes, classical conditioning and operant conditioning might be mistaken at times. Operant is concerned with a voluntary activity that results in a consequence, whereas classical is concerned with an automatic behavior reaction and stimulus. Classical conditioning is characterized by involuntary and inflexible behavior. The stimulus is what prompts the action. Conditioning is all about the stimulus-response. There are several types of operant conditioning, and each one affects the likelihood of future action. Positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment, and negative punishment are all examples of operant conditioning learning processes. These kinds of learning processes can be difficult to distinguish at times.

