Aversion Therapy

I saw someone else write about aversion therapy. I wanted to research it more because I really think all of my friends need this kind of therapy to break their addictions to nicotine. I think many I know have grown so accustomed to just having something in-between their lips, because all of them, and I mean all of them, complain multiple times a day about how much they want to quit because of how sick smoking/vaping makes them feel. They complain of it being hard to breath, anxiety, sore throat, loss of appetite, stomach problems, and I believe all of it. This is truly another pandemic we are facing other than Covid-19, I just am scared to see what this does to them 20 years from now, because we still don't know much about vaping. 

Anyway, Aversion therapy is " a type of behavioral therapy that involves repeat pairing an unwanted behavior with discomfort. For example, a person undergoing aversion therapy to stop smoking might receive an electrical shock every time they view an image of a cigarette. The goal of the conditioning process is to make the individual associate the stimulus with unpleasant or uncomfortable sensations "

As far as vaping, the people who have been chain vaping for many years that I know already associate negative stimulus and unwanted affects from the vaping alone, however a shock might not be a bad idea at this point. Who knows, it might add years to their lives if successful. 



  1. I found your post to be very informative. I too had friends that vaped and would associate vaping with a calming feeling, but overall they have anxiety after they are finished with vaping. I am unsure if vaping should have a shock therapy because it may not be useful. It will take self control for people to stop vaping, some do after they have negative side effects for a long while.

  2. There are many forms of autism therapy that are being researched and practiced to day that should make it easier for autistic people, both children and adults, to learn how to communicate with the outside world.therapy for adults with autism


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