Post 3

I found chapter 7 very interesting because it is most comparable to raising children. Most of these examples were how they affect children when it comes to learning or studying, or simply getting them to do chores. The schedule of reinforcement is similar to the previous chapters on positive and negative reinforcement. This came into great help when I was babysitting yesterday and they 4 year old boy was upset that his mother left but new if he got a cookie he would stop crying. I didn't want to give in and give it to him because it would be ineffective in the long run, the child getting his way every time. So instead I made a deal with him that if he stops crying he can get his cookie, as long as he finished all of his dinner first. This is an example of the Premack principle, he did not want to eat his dinner (LPB) but he knew if he did he would get the cookie (HPB). In this situation I somewhat gave in because I just wanted him to stop crying, but in a long-run situation, I would use this backwards. Children should only be praised when they do good things, not praised for stopping from doing a bad thing. Children associate things closely so the child may do bad things in order to receive a reward.
