Motivation Final Post

Part 1
Food neophobia, the tendency to avoid unfamiliar foods and prefer familiar ones, is something that almost everyone experiences. However, the degree to which a person experiences this depends on the person themselves. The Food Neophobia Scale was created in 1992 to examine this "fussy eating" disorder and the extend to which children rejected new foods. This phobia is most common in children and infants, but can carry on to adulthood as well. There isnt much of an explanation as to what causes food neophobia, except for its survival value. It provides protection from eating harmful foods. However, the phobia decreases with exposure to unfamiliar foods.

Part 2
This class has helped me understand more about stress and coping, especially with school. Also, it has shown me the process of motivation and what drives us, and how we can improve on it. I especially found chapter 4 to be interesting, as it took addiction theory to another level and broke down the inner workings of addictive behaviors. Learning about this definitely helps me, as I have a lot of friends who are addicts, and I am now able to understand their actions better. The text also help me learn the brain functioning behind addiction, and its complicated pathways.
Overall I found this course mentally stimulating and interesting!


  1. Neophobia is amazing. I have 2 little girls who up until recently only wanted to eat chicken nuggets. What gets me is that this is a defense mechanism, but for my girls they had no idea what is actually in chicken nuggets.


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