closing post

     This summer I took both Learning: Theory and Research and Motivation with Professor Berg. The formats for both of these classes were very similar yet topics varied. For both of the classes I enjoyed the website blogs. It was fascinating to see everyone’s input from their personal experiences, their opinions, their interpretations, and what they were capable of finding on the internet, photos and YouTube videos relating to our topics. I also enjoyed writing the posts, which I was able to express the following I just mentioned, but I was also capable of relating it to my personal life and make personal discoveries. I also enjoyed for both classes the setup of the lectures slides and the detail they went into. I personally learn very well visually and with this also being an online class I greatly appreciated all the examples and visual aids to better help me understand particular topics.  
     I found this class a lot more in depth and complex then my motivation course. It somewhat reminded me of introduction/ general psychology and experimental psychology. It just took the basic concepts we learned in introduction/ general psychology and went into further depth and applied it similar to experimental psychology how it takes the concepts of statistics and applies it with psychology. This class I really depended on the visuals to fully grasp the concepts completely. Considering I am a preschool teacher I found the lectures on reinforcement very beneficial and it’s something I am putting a great effort into at my job. I found the post about phobias the most interesting.
     Taking these two classes together; Theory and Research and Motivation I found very beneficial therefore if you took one I would recommend the other.


  1. I love your post. I am also in both of Dr. Bergs classes and everything you liked about the classes I liked too. I also found this class to be more challenging than the motivation class and it did remind me of intro to psychology.


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