Classical conditioning

     The example of basic conditioning from the slide show; “Jana enjoys being wildly unpredictable in her relationships, believing that most men find unpredictable women quite exciting. She cancels dates at the last minute, shows up on a guy's doorstep at odd hours of the day or night, and tries as much as possible to be completely spontaneous. Once, she stole a man's bowling trophy and cheese grater, just to see if he would notice. Unfortunately, many of the guys she goes out with seen to be rather stressed out and neurotic, though it usually takes a while before this become apparent. She is starting to wonder if there are any good men around these days.”
     I’m not sure I completely understand this example of basic conditioning... is in a sense Jana behavior that is then sabotaging her relationships? Conditioning in describe to be the “process of developing and strengthening a conditioned response through repeated pairings of a NS with an US”
     We are all trained and taught to think, and feel a certain way and there are different experiences that occur in our life that can shape us to feel a particular way about something. For example a child who has been bit by a dog may fear dogs, kids who see their parents yell when they see bugs may fear bugs; if you were in a bad accident you may fear driving etc. That can also go in a more positive direction from exposure to certain things can shape you to be open to the idea or thing.
     With that said these conditions in fact mold the person you are and your personality. Like     stated in the slide shows “Theory of Personality; Inherited differences in temperament interact with classical conditioning to produce certain patterns of behavior.”  These things shape your character and your beliefs. It determines how you while react and deal with certain occurrences in your life. Three different types of personalities that are described in the slide shows are introverts, extroverts, and psychopaths. Introversion, introverted being like internal, which in describe to be reactive to external stimuli and cannot tolerate large amounts of stimulation and tend to withdraw. I consider myself an introvert, I’m a home body, I have a small social circle, and large crowds and an abundance of stress/stimuli makes me nervous. Extroversion, extrovert being like external, is less reactive to external stimuli and Seek out large amounts of stimulation. I would consider my best friend and extrovert. She loves to party, spark conversation with anyone and meet new people. She deals with stress very well and loves to always be on the move. Psychopaths are extreme extroverts who condition poorly and experience little or no anxiety when harming others. I consider these people with very few to no inhibitions. Not someone i would want to surround myself with because they are lacking reality.
Two examples I found on the internet;
Classical conditioning in everyday life is extremely common. In the area of classroom learning, classical conditioning primarily influences emotional behavior. Things that make us happy, sad, angry, etc. become associated with neutral stimuli that gain our attention. For example, if a particular academic subject or remembering a particular teacher produces emotional feelings in you, those emotions are probably a result of classical conditioning.”
“Classical conditioning works with advertising too. For example, many beer ads prominently feature attractive young women wearing bikinis. The young women (Unconditioned Stimulus) naturally elicit a favorable, mildly aroused feeling (Unconditioned Response) in most men. The beer is simply associated with this effect. The same thing applies with the jingles and music that accompany many advertisements.”

An Pavlov’s theory put to the test!!
