Classical Conditioning

The well known phenomenon of classical conditioning by Pavlov is demonstrated throughout popular media such as TV shows. It has grown to become so popular that even individuals who are not specifically educated in the field of psychology have a general understanding of the topic. Classical conditioning involves and unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, and neutral stimulus. When the neutral stimulus is associated repeatedly with the unconditioned stimulus, the object will be trained to have a conditioned response as opposed to an unconditioned response. To put the concept in simple terms, the video above depicts Jim demonstrating classical conditioning on Dwight. So even if you never personally studied the concept of classical conditioning, chances are you have seen it in action in TV shows and movies!


  1. I like that you pointed out how classical conditioning is tied into every day life. The above video does a great job explaining the concept in simple terms. From your post, I was able to gather three main things that classical conditioning involves: US, UR and NS.

  2. I love that you used this video from the office to demonstrate conditioning! It really helps to put concepts in simpler terms or relate them to real life experience.

  3. I love this episode! Classical conditioning really can be simplified so even those who maybe aren't interested in psychology can understand and even apply it to their own lives.

  4. It's so funny to see how classical conditioning and different forms of psychology are incorporated into so many shows and movies. I love The Office and didn't even catch on to what they were depicting. Awesome post


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