Thursday, June 25, 2020

Schedules of Reinforcement

How Reinforcement Schedules Work
Skinner's operant conditioning is based through rewards and punishments for behavior. Either positive reinforcement or negative reinforcement may be used as a part of operant conditioning. In both cases, the goal of reinforcement is to strengthen a behavior so that it will likely occur again. A schedule of reinforcement defines which instances of behavior would be reinforced. As the book states, "a schedule indicates what exactly has to be done for the reinforcer to be delivered. A continuous reinforcement schedule is one in which each specified response is reinforced, while a partial reinforcement schedule is one in which only some responses are reinforced. The occurrence of a reinforcement is critical to the learning process and the likelihood of increasing a response.


  1. I like the information you provided on schedules of reinforcement. The image illustrates the topic in a way that is very easy to understand. I think schedules of reinforcement is extremely important for developing desired behaviors from people and animals.

  2. I really like the example you chose for schedules of reinforcement. You did a great job explaining each of the different reinforcements. Behavior plays a big role in the development of a child and how everyone around them reacts. Along with the parents role in changing the way they treat others as well as the environment they're brought up in.
