Pavlov's Classical Conditioning

In Chapter 3, we learned about Ivan Pavlov’s classical conditioning experiment. Classical conditioning, as defined by our textbook, is a stimulus eliciting a response because it has been associated with another stimulus. Pavlov’s experiment focused on salivation as the initial step in the digestive process. It was a basic procedure where a dog was trained to salivate to the sound of a metronome. The unconditioned response was the salivation of the dogs in response to the taste of food because it occurs naturally, and the food would be the unconditioned stimulus. The metronome sound is considered the neutral stimulus in response to salivation because it does not naturally elicit its response. While conditioning, the metronome sound is presented right before the food, which is accompanied by salivation. After the procedure and conditioning, since the metronome was paired with the presentation of food, the sound of it now elicits a salivation response. The metronome is considered the conditioned stimulus and because salivating to its sound was trained, it is the conditioned response.
                The video that I am including plays on this research. When Jim reboots his computer, he offers Dwight an altoids mint. He does this every time he reboots his computer until one time he does not, and Dwight holds out his hand for a mint without being offered one. In this case, the neutral stimulus is the sound Jim’s computer makes when it reboots, the sound then becomes the conditioned stimulus. Dwight’s expectation to receive a mint is the conditioned response.
