Operant Conditioning

Operant conditioning, which was studied by Edward Thorndike and B.F. Skinner, is the strengthening or weakening of behavior through either reinforcement or punishment. A positive reinforcement is something "good" that is given in return for the behavior, therefore strengthening the behavior. A negative reinforcement is taking away something "bad" in return for the behavior, which also strengthens the behavior. Positive punishment is giving something "bad" in return for the behavior and negative punishment takes away something "good"; both positive and negative punishment weaken a behavior. An example of operant conditioning was featured in an episode of a television show, The Big Bang Theory. Sheldon repeatedly offers the girl chocolate when she performs a behavior that he likes, which is an example of positive reinforcement. This clip can be viewed in the link posted below. I also learned about operant conditioning in my high school psychology class and my teacher discussed how he uses this type of conditioning to raise his children. My teacher claimed that it works the best and if you ever want to convince someone to do something or change their behavior - use reinforcements.

Big Bang Theory- operant conditioning


  1. I like how you explained and showed the difference between the types of reinforcement and punishment. I would have to agree with your teacher, after reading the chapters, understand now that I raise my children the way discussed in operant conditioning mostly of positive and negative reinforcement and positive punishment. Also i myself have seen the episode of TBBT that is a very good example that you attacked to your post. Very nice post helps for better understanding as well.
    Thank you

  2. I really enjoyed that you included the video in your blog post. I think it helps people have a better understanding to what operant conditioning is and a shows the difference between what negative and positive punishment are. In this clip it is shown that Sheldon is using positive punishment with Penny with chocolates. I like how you also mentioned that your teacher uses this as a way to help raise his children and I think most parents do use this if not should because it is a great way to change behavior.

  3. I really enjoyed that you included the video in your blog post. I think it helps people have a better understanding to what operant conditioning is and a shows the difference between what negative and positive punishment are. In this clip it is shown that Sheldon is using positive punishment with Penny with chocolates. I like how you also mentioned that your teacher uses this as a way to help raise his children and I think most parents do use this if not should because it is a great way to change behavior.

  4. Operant conditioning is such an important concept to understand not only in the psychological world, but also in everyday life. Reinforcers and punishers are used constantly in parenting and in classroom settings. While both concepts are termed consequences, one strengthens behaviors and one punishes behaviors (Powell, p. 232). In order for children to learn appropriate behavior, reinforcers and punishers are vital. By giving words of encouragement and rewarding “good” behavior, children will learn to reproduce that behavior. On the contrary, if we place a child in time-out or take away their free time because of a “bad” behavior, that behavior is less likely to be reproduced. I really enjoyed your video clip. For one, the show is super funny and also it really described the concepts well. Overall great post!


    Powell, R., Honey, P., Symbaluk, D. (2013). Introduction to learning and behavior. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

  5. Very entertaining post! I also believe that reinforcement is one the best ways to change certain behavior specially when it comes to kids. I've babysat for quit some time and I also believe this method works best.


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