Positive Reinforcement vs. Negative Reinforcement.

This topic can be found in our books in Chapter 6. Positive reinforcement is defined as the presentation of a stimulus following a response, which leads to an increase in the future strength of that response. Negative reinforcement is the opposite (obviously). It is the removal of a stimulus following a response, which leads to an increase in the future strength of that response.


This video link above is an example of negative reinforcement.


  1. I found the video that you provided to be entertaining! It was funny some of the examples the kid choose to use. It def. helps to learn when you can relate it to things.

  2. Very funny. At first I was hoping you were pouring a beer. That would be a positive reinforcement. I will stick with the items in Chapter 6. Positive and Negative reinforcements are used as a mean to strengthen or lessen/eliminate a specific response. A positive reinforcement such as money, a beer, or even a compliment will increase a desired response. A negative reinforcement is taking something negative away in order to increase a response. The elimination of a negative stimulus would reinfroce and will likely increase the chance that the response will happen again. The purpose of these reinforcement types is to increase the rate of certain behavior

    This is from one of my favorite shows, "The Big Bang Theory". My son and I watch this show together. I secretly hope he becomes a famous scientist.


    I wonder if Thorndike thought of this negative reinforcement.

  3. I must say I absolutely love the video you chose to include! It is extremely helpful in explaining some real world examples of both positive and negative reinforcement. In fact it is a video that I have used to reference examples in the past! Commenting to Lamia Webb, the Big Bang video is a great one as well I do know however, that there is one mistake in that video! If you watch very closely you will catch it!


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