Obsessive- Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is defined as a disorder characterized by persistent thoughts, impulses or images, which would be known as obsessions. This disorder uses repetitive and stereotyped actions, which are called compulsions, that are carried out in response to the obsessions. An example of this disorder would be a person being obsessed about the thought of leaving the door unlocked or the lights on when you leave the house. Or someone constantly worrying about the germs on other people. This disorder was known as a difficult disorder to treat. There is  treatment method to treat OCD which is called exposure and response prevention (ERP). This method of treating OCD involves an extended exposure to the anxiety event while not engaging in the compulsive behavior pattern that can reduce the anxiety which will help the disorder. This disorder is very common in children and adults. Many celebrities and athletes are OCD, which is seen in the video link below.



  1. Gabrielle,
    The example you gave about David Beckham was very interesting. I did not know that he was someone with OCD. OCD is a very interesting disorder to see for yourself. I know of someone who always feels like his house arrangement is not "bettering" his life. He is consistently changing the lay out of each room. Almost every time I go into his house, something is changed around. The obsession here would be that he doesn't believe that the arrangement is suiting his life. The compulsion would be the rearranging of furniture.
    Melissa Henry

  2. Gabrielle,
    I found your post very helpful in detailing exactly what OCD is and the symptoms that occur with it. Having lived with a roommate who has OCD tendencies I feel as if I have developed a certain understand and patience to their obsessions and compulsions. An example of this would be my roommate checking that the oven knobs were all in the upright "off" position multiple times prior to leaving the house. The obsession in this case would be the thought of the oven knobs being left on and the compulsion would be the continuous checking of the oven knobs.


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