Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia Nervosa is a disorder where patients refuse to eat a sufficient amount of food and as a result, they lose an excessive amount of weight. People with this disorder see themselves as large and fear of being overweight. Anorexia Nervosa can be such a hard time in a person's life and some do not get help and sadly can die from being unnourished. It is important for people to be aware of all the kinds of disorders out there so that you can help someone get the help they need. Anorexia Nervosa also is a disorder that not many people share their stories with. While reading chapter 12 in the textbook it reminded me of an article that I read on Her Campus, which helps see the other side of someone who lived with the disorder. One part of the article really stood out to me because it shows how she thought of herself as "being healthy" when the doctor was diagnosing her with anorexia. She says, "I knew I had a problem, but I wasn’t expecting to be diagnosed with anorexia. Maybe I was in denial, but when the doctor said that word, I nearly choked. Me? Don’t they see how big I am? I’m just trying to be healthy. No one understands—they just want me to be fat, I thought." Reading an article from someone who lives with anorexia and got help, helped me understand the disorder a whole lot better.


  1. I have struggled with anorexia and continue to in this day. But, I must say you need to be a fighter and bounce back.

  2. I can't begin to imagine how hard it must be to have anorexia disorder. The article you provided is a great source for people to get a better understanding of someone struggling with this disorder. Excellent point about people needing to be aware of these disorders so they can acquire the help they need. Great post with so many great points!

  3. It is very interesting reading about Anorexia and reading that this girl saw herself completely different than how she actually looked, it delves into the realm of psychological disorders and coincides with Bulimia, which is classified as an "emotional" disorder rather than a "physical" disorder. To me, both of these eating disorders should be considered both physical and emotional, and of course very serious.

  4. The article you provided is a great source for people in recovery from anorexia nervosa, as well as those who are hoping to learn more about it. I currently work in a group home with adolescent girls, many of whom have eating disorders. The line in the quote, "they just want me to be fat" struck me as relatable, because many of the girls at the group home say that to us when we are trying to help them with their treatment plans, which include eating guidelines. I also found it interesting when she described how she felt going into treatment. She stated that she felt overwhelmed but relieved to be getting help and to hopefully be able to live a happier life. I would hope that is what the girls in our program believe, and I hope they are being given the tools and strength that she had to finally succeed in recovery.


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