Positive Reinforcement In Class Rooms

 We always hear about negative reinforcements and consequences when it comes to classroom behavior, but what is not talked about more is the positive reinforcements of good behavior and how it affects a student. 

6 Best Positive Reinforcement Tips For Teachers & Parents

Positive reinforcement means presenting or providing a stimulus immediately following a behavior that increases the occurrence of that behavior in the future. The basics of this principle helps suggest that a positive behavior will occur more frequently. When it comes to using positive reinforcement there are many benefits of using it in the classroom settings. Some of these benefits include: 

  • Minimal lost instructional time due to behavioral concerns
  • Increased student engagement
  • Improved student confidence
  • Positive classroom environment
  • Increased motivation
When it comes to positive reinforcement some people tend to mix up the principle of positive reinforcement and the principle of bribing. In order to receive positive reinforcement a student must complete a positive behavior first. Now if you try to convince the student into doing a positive behavior by telling them they will get something after, that is considered bribing. Knowing the difference between the two can help with more benefits in the classroom. 


  1. This is a great post Jayden. I work at a daycare and I'm all about positive reinforcement. Those little ones look up to their teachers and want nothing more then to impress them. Encouraging a good behavior works way better then disciplining a bad one. They like feeling like they accomplished something even if it's something small like being nice and sharing with a friend.

  2. Hi Jayden,
    I also work in a daycare and think positive reinforcement is a great way to teach students about good behavior. I always try to set a positive example of what good behavior should be like in the classroom since the children are so young and look up to the teacher as their mentor. I like to reinforce good behavior with a treat, or some extra playtime outside on a nice day. I found that giving positive reinforcement works the best in correcting a child's behavior.

  3. Hi Jayden, I am working towards becoming a teacher and in my time of observing two sets of classrooms I have seen how positive reinforcement can work. One thing for sure that I have learned is letting children know the type of behavior or action you are looking for. Modeling is a great technique that can help children.


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