Anxiety's Effect on Children in School

Anxiety is something that affects people of all ages ranging from really young to really old.  We have seen that anxiety is becoming more prevalent in schools.  Some examples of anxiety seen in school-aged children are separation anxiety, social anxiety, selective mutism, generalized anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and specialized phobias.  All of these examples can play overwhelming roles in the child's life which could end up being debilitating.  Most people would assume that a child who is squirming around in their seat has ADHD, but anxiety is something that can be the cause for this as well.  Not only can this be associated with anxiety, but so can disruptive behaviors.  Separation anxiety is something else that plays a huge factor in children's anxiety.  Some children will refuse to go back to school after they had days previously off of school.  Having separation anxiety can be debilitating in some cases and cause the child to keep checking in with their parents throughout the day. Children with anxiety need lots of reassurance because they want to make sure that things are perfect.  This could be why a student with anxiety is asking so many questions which sometimes could be repetitive.  

Another sign that a student may have anxiety is that they have trouble answering questions in class.  This may cause the student to freeze if they get called on and then they really won't be able to answer the question that they were asked.  Anxiety may cause physical illness as well which would lead the student to frequently be in the nurse's office.  Along with physical illness, students may be diagnosed with a learning disability on top of having anxiety.  In some cases, anxiety can be even mistaken for a learning disability.  Students know when they are tending to fall behind the other students which can cause them to have anxiety also.  Not being able to turn in homework is another factor that may be due to anxiety.  As I mentioned before, students with anxiety want things to be perfect and if they think that their homework is not good enough, they will not want to hand it in.  The last thing that is associated with students who have anxiety is avoiding socialization.  This means that students don't want to present or even eat in the cafeteria with their friends.


Ehmke, R. (2023, April 14). School Anxiety in the Classroom. Child Mind Institute. Retrieved June 22, 2023, from




  1. Hi Karly! I really enjoyed reading your blog post. I think it is important for people to understand what anxiety is and how it can take a toll on one's mental or physical well-being. I like how you mentioned multiple examples on how one experiences anxiety and the toll that school ultimately takes on a child's health.

  2. Hi Karly! Your blog post was very interesting. I like how you touched base on what exactly anxiety is and how it can affect young children. Excellent job!

  3. Dear Karly,
    Great post and writing! I can remember so many times that I had what felt like crippling anxiety on back to school days. Over the years I learned to like back to school days but even when I was very young anxiety is something we all can experience at any age. The first days of school were always the hardest for me because has you mentioned I had a really hard time socializing with my class and that amplified the anxiety. I hope in future years we have a better understanding of anxiety disorders and how to effectively treat them.

  4. Hi Karly! This is an excellent post. You covered all the ways anxiety can show itself in young kids. As a daycare teacher with anxiety myself, I'm always on the look out for things like this. Too many adults believe children are too young to be diagnosed with something like anxiety and they'll "grow out of it" which we obviously know isn't true. I enjoyed reading your research into the topic.

  5. Hi Karly.
    I am currently interning at Counseling Center for children with special needs and a common trait with majority of the children is their anxiety. This is why it is so important for kids to have the resources they need at school. I think it is amazing that these children attend counseling but that it only once a week and once every two or three weeks for some. In order for kids to do well, not fall behind and feel good about themselves, is having support at school. Thank you for this educating post.


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