ADHD in Adults

 Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopment disorder that affects both children and adults. While ADHD is usually linked with childhood, if misdiagnosed and untreated, it may continue into adulthood. This post came to mind after seeing numerous posts on Tiktok concerning untreated ADHD that was finally diagnosed in adulthood.  Adults who are undiagnosed with ADHD may have a variety of issues and difficulties in their daily life. The following are some common indications and symptoms.

Number one: Adults with untreated ADHD may have difficulty maintaining attention and focusing on tasks, especially those that are repetitive, dull, or require persistent mental effort. They may struggle to organize tasks, prioritize activities, and complete them within the time span specified. It might cause issues with time management, deadlines, and feeling overwhelmed by various tasks.

Number 2: Undiagnosed adults with ADHD may experience impulsive behavior, acting on the spur of the moment without thinking about the implications. They may struggle to control their immediate reactions or impulses, which can lead to rash decisions, interrupting others in conversations, or participating in harmful behaviors without fully understanding the consequences.

Number 3: Adults with untreated ADHD frequently experience disorganization and forgetfulness. They may struggle to keep track of personal belongings, often misplace stuff, or maintain an ordered working or home environment. Forgetfulness can extend to appointments, deadlines, and commitments, making it difficult to meet duties and maintain relationships.

Number 4: Time management can be a big difficulty for undiagnosed adults with ADHD. They may difficulty with appropriately calculating time, being consistently punctual, and efficiently managing schedules. They may struggle with commencing work and planning ahead, resulting in greater stress and last-minute hurries to complete obligations.

Number 5: ADHD can have an impact on relationships due to difficulty with attention, impulsivity, and emotional regulation. Adults who are undiagnosed may fail to actively listen, retain focus throughout conversations, or follow through on obligations. They may also suffer from mood swings, irritation, and anger, all of which can affect relationships with family, friends, and coworkers.

ADHD manifests differently in each person, and not all adults with ADHD will exhibit the same symptoms. Furthermore, these symptoms may not be indicative of ADHD if they are caused by other circumstances or co-occurring illnesses. However, because ADHD is a newly diagnosed disorder, there may be adults who suffer without even realizing it. It piqued my interest to investigate the ailment and its impact on persons who are older than the age bracket with which it is generally identified. 

Ask Yourself These Screening Questions to Determine If You Have ADHD –  SheKnows


  1. As an adult who was diagnosed with ADHD at a younger age, but was untreated, I can definitely attest to a lot of these symptoms. The typical "not paying attention" part of it for such a long time was all I thought it was, and then I got the same set of tik toks, pointing out a lot of other symptoms I hadn't even noticed. I am incredibly impulsive, I am disorganized and very forgetful. I did not realize that they meant something so much more than just "being forgetful" up until recently.

  2. I too have ADHD and but I too was left untreated even though my brothers were partly because I don't wanna take meds for it but alot of your points i can identify with.


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