Bobo Doll Experiment

 The Bobo Doll Experiment was an experiment done by Albert Bandura. He wanted to test his social learning theory. He studied children behavior after watching an adult model act aggressively towards the Bobo doll. The experiment was made up of 72 children from the Stanford University. All children was between 37 and 69 months. A third of the children were exposed to an aggressive model and one third of the children were exposed to a nonaggressive model. The last third of the participants formed the control group. 

The group that was exposed to the aggressive model showed aggression towards the doll. Those who were exposed to the nonaggressive model was less likely to show aggression. There was also a sex factor to how the children reacted. The children that were exposed to the same-sex models had more influence over the children. 


  1. Great post Haley!
    I think the Bobo Doll Experiment is a great example of how adult mannerisms and attitudes can be easily observed and implemented in children. Which is why as adults we should pay close attention to how we act in front of children. Since they are sponges and learn a lot from observing.


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