Post #1 - PTSD

Posttraumatic stress disorder or PTSD is a form of a chronic fear triggered by a traumatic event. It is seen most often in soldiers returning home from war zones. Many Soldiers return home unable to cope with daily life due to what they have seen while fighting over seas. Many have problems living their day to day lives without reliving the traumatic experiences and often have difficulty sleeping because of it. Something as simple the loud bang of a door closing can trigger wan event. There are many different therapy options available for those who suffer from PTSD with new therapy options being developed daily. Just this morning on NEWS 12 NJ there was a story of a company using golf, which is known for its relaxing nature, to try and help their employees who suffer from PTSD. Many people do not realize how serious PTSD can be for those who need to learn to cope with it on a daily basis. More companies like the one offering the golf outings, need to pay more attention to PTSD in an effort to make the transition from military life to civilian life easier for those who served our country.

Honey, L. P., Powell, R. A. . A., Symbaluk, D. G. and Powell (2013) Introduction to Learning and Behavior. United States: CENGAGE Learning Custom Publishing
