Final Post

 Throughout this course we covered many different topics and subjects.  I found basically all of them to be extremely interesting and helpful.  I thought we also covered the most important topics there are in Psychology. As a Psychology major I found myself learning more useful subjects then I have in pervious Psychology classes.  I really liked how this particular course was set up. I enjoyed the style and layout as well. I felt that there were not many assignments but all the assignments that we did had relevance to the class. I thought some of the material was pretty hard but I can say I learned a lot from it.  Choosing my favorite part of the class is hard because I loved all of the topics. One of my favorites was classical condition.  I think it is so interesting how this affects humans and animals as well.  I also thought the topic on Self Control was interesting. We can all relate to this one because it is part of life.  Self Control can occur with any kind of situation.  In addition, I love learning about different disorders. One of my favorites is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I think I am so interested in it because I know people who suffer from this disorder and I am constantly learning about it in all of my Psychology classes. I thought Positive and Negative reinforcement was fun to learn about as well. It amazes me how this works in real life and how also how we can use this on animals and on humans.  This class will definitely help me in my further. As a Psychology major I plan to use all of this information in my career. I hope this information helps me became more intelligent about this field and be able to benefit my patients.  This class helped me grow and became more aware of everyday situations and topics that we are facing as a society. I would recommend this class class not only to Psychology majors but anyone because it had so many interesting facts and can me helpful in many different fields.       
