Testosterone Rex, written
by Cordelia Fine, is all about the female and male brain. Cordelia is a psychologist
who has spent a lot of time study the human brain. Her goal with this book is
to prove that the only difference between men and women is biological. Society
has created these characteristics that men must be, and characteristics of what
women must be. She uses the research that she has found to debunk myths about
sex, science and society that have become very popular and believed over the
Chapter 1 was a very good
starting chapter in this book. It debunked a few of the myths about men and
women. One that it was focused on was mating. Society and culture has taught us
that men are more superior when it comes to mating and reproducing. Angus
Bateman came us up with this theory that males are more promiscuous then female
and that makes them better at finding a partner. This is not true though. Through
research, it is believed the women are just as good at finding a partner to
mate with as men are. They are just as selective and will actually compete with
other females to get the best man. Society took this believe, and it has become
so popular that people all over believe that men are better at mating and
Chapter 2 was probably my
favorite. This chapter on focused on the differences between men and women when
it came to reproducing offspring. For men, they can produce way more sperm then
women can produce eggs. Because of this, is it believed that women should be in
monogamous relationships. But because the men can produce more sperm, it is ok
for them to mate with several women. With research, this was proven to not be
true. A man that tries to get 100 women pregnant, will actually have a very low
chance. Another topic discussed in this chapter was that women don’t really
want to have one stands like men do. A study was conducted that proved that this
is not true. Unfortunately for women, if they have a one-night stand, they are
looked at as if they have done something very wrong and shamed for it. For men,
they are praised for the more women they sleep with. It is a very messed up
Another really
interesting chapter was chapter 3. This focused on how men and women try to
secure a mate. Both sexes will try to use gifts or flashy items to make
themselves seem better. For men, they use flowers, jewelry and expensive dates
to make themselves seem more superior to other men. This can also be to make
themselves seem more attractive than they really are. Women tend to use their bodies
to secure a mate. In this case, they will make themselves look better with
makeup, wear revealing clothes and high heal to make the men more attracted to
them. A study was done to see if people were more likely to pick a mate that was
attractive like them or that had the same interest as them. The study showed
that people were more likely to pick someone that had the same interest and values
as them. I found it interesting that men and women try all these different ways
to seem more attractive to the other, but really it comes down to if they have
the same values.

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