Journal 2 Chapter 16

Summary: Circled around the mind, Chapter 16 is on the cognitivists. A hope for something other than the rigid psychological focus on methodology, and the new wave of conditioning cognitive psychology opened up the door to our minds and our mental processes. New ways of thinking and various reasons for why groups think the way they do.

Elements of Thought:
Information- Plainly stated in the chapter computers contributed quite a bit of help in the world of cognitive psychology. Reasoning and analytical and programming quickly became of use to psychologists. Using symbols that translate into other information. As well as information 
processing, using dating to achieve a goal. Terms like storage and memory can be applied too.

Data- Cognitive neuroscience. The function of our minds. This area delves into the brain and its processes, and what areas are responsible for what actions. Finding out the outcomes of damaging parts of the brain in animals to assessing the damage in stroke victims. Technology was a large help with the development of brain scan devices such as the EEG, PET, CT, and MRI. This showed exactly what parts of our brains were working during certain actions.

Information- This chapter outlined the similarity between the human brain reasoning and computer processing. We see many terms used. Such as memory, the storage of thoughts, retrieval of the recollection of thoughts, networks that links thoughts/memories. Brains were compared to computers.

Intellectual Standards:
Logic- It makes sense why computers are so important in our day. The medical advancements create new ways to view things. Working on cognizance with computers can ultimately create groundbreaking findings.

Feasibility- With all of the technological advancements made, you can see the possibility for new state of the art technology. More devices could be made and actually implanted in us to process functioning. It is possible.

Significance-this chapter showed significance to today in a society in which we are trying to combat degenerative diseases such as dementia, more study into this area and application could prove to be useful to those afflicted.

(a model of the brain it’s parts and functions)
