
Temperament is an individuals biologically determined base level of emotionality. It affects how you react to stimulation and refers to how emotionally reactive you are. A person’s temperament is a combination of their individual personality traits. Different temperament traits can be seen in infancy: easy, difficult, and slow to warm up. The temperament that a person has an infant can be an indicator of how they will be as an adult. The easy temperament is described as being in a good mood, adapting to change easily, and has regular eating, sleeping, and bathroom patterns. Approximately 40% of babies are considered to have an easy temperament. A baby with a difficult temperament usually has bad moods, doesn’t respond well to change, and doesn’t have regular patterns. Approximately 10% of babies have a bad temperament. The other general temperament is the slow to warm up types of babies, where the babies are in between easy and difficult. It is considered that approximately 15% of babies have a slow to warm up temperament.


  1. Every child is different yet they can have the same kind of temperament, which I find interesting. I find it also interesting that about 40% of babies are considered to have an easy temperament! I personally would not think it would be that high.

  2. I have children of my own, so I found this post to be very interesting. I can remember when they were babies and how easy their temperaments were. However, as they got older, their personalities started to shine so I think their temperaments have changed a bit; which I believe should happen as a child gets older and is experiencing new things. Extra perk: having pictures of cute baby faces!

  3. This is very interesting, children can be so different when it comes to their temperaments. The different kinds of temperaments that a child has is very interesting. to think that only 10% of babies have a bad temperament is very interesting.

  4. I found this post very interesting since my nephew was recently born. Since he came into this world, I have been paying a lot of attention to how he acts and what he does. I have noticed he has an easy temperament.


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