Recently I have been reading a new book I got which has been interesting in a refreshing way given that it is a psychology book. The title of this book is called "Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs". I know what some of you are thinking and no it's not really about any of that. It is actually a book written by Chuck Klosterman who shares stories of his past as well as his friends stories. The way he writes it is as though he is sitting up and writing emails to you directly and you are just passing the time with memories of the past. However in the first chapter he writes something that I found to be very interesting to think about "The mass media causes sexual misdirection: It prompts us to need something deeper than what we want". This statement is actually about relationships in general and this post might be more directed toward the women out there reading this.

Lets use the Notebook as an example because everyone male or female if they have not seen it knows it is the latest romance movie that everyone fell in love with. How many people out there were made to believe that they wanted a relationship like this. Automatically you started comparing yours to the movie even if it was unconsciously done. It was being compared to something that was made up, a relationship that was put together by a bunch of writers to make people want to have this "perfect relationship". Even when online now and looking at engagement pictures you would be amazed how many people actually take notebook themed photo shoots. The media has made you want this perfect relationship. Even when you watch Friends, you are stuck with this notion that maybe you and your friend of the opposite sex are meant to be together because they know you so well and because well if it worked for them it could work for you. I had never really looked at it this way before as if the media was selling you the dream of the perfect relationship but it makes you think about what you personally want and what society thinks you should have to be happy.
