My Baby Can Read

People learn at different ages and stages. Babies learn moreso by active learning. Pictures, words and actions help them memorize words at a faster pace. Its easy for kids to learn things because their minds are like a sponge, at which they can obtain alot of information. The program does cost alot of money and in fact the parent doesnt necessarily have to do anything but pop the tape/dvd in the tv and sit the kid in front of the screen to learn.The parent can take a different approach by using flash cards as a way of repitition for the kid which makes the child feel comfortable in their learning process.


  1. I babysit two different children both age two and it is astounding the different levels they are both at... at the same age! The girl is more advanced than the boy, but her mom works with her all the time, which really shows! So interesting.

  2. Very interesting, but at the same time this is just memorization of letters and patterns. I don't believe that this actually advances children when it comes to in class learning? Does anyone know otherwise?

  3. I have a 9 month old and I really can't picture him speaking full words now. It just seems weird the whole system. He's still on "Ma-Ma" and "Da-Da".

  4. I would have to say that any resource is a great one, it being dvd, games,and most importantly parent invovlement. I have three children myself, one of which has trouble with reading and writing and I am very proactive in her learning. So memory games, well anything helps.


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