Observational Learning

Since reading about the way in which children learn (home environment, social interactions, etc.), I have become very interested in the idea of observational learning. Albert Bandura researched on such topics and created the Social Learning Theory, which explains how observational learning directly influences human behavior. This means that if a child witnesses less-than-perfect behavior from their parents, they may take on these same negative attributes. Of course this could also mean that a parent showing good qualities may make the child also express good qualities. The point is that a child's environment and social interactions play an enormous role in their behavior. Therefore, a parent should be wise when acting in certain ways around their young children. This video shows just that.


  1. Very true. Eye opening video. I like it.

  2. Awesome video!This needs to be shown on tv stations daily because it is sooo true and it something we all forget.

  3. Wow very touching video and very very true!!

  4. Its funny because when i went to post last week I had done my post earlier and emailed it to myself, when I got home and went to post, about six house later, you posted about the same thing and had the same video as me!! weird, right? nevertheless I posted about radical behaviorism instead. Anyway, I really like this video- where did you discover it? just surfing youtube?

    I saw it in a class I had a year ago and it always stuck with me. When I read about social learning theory in the text i immediately pictured the video and went right to it on youtube. The video is so effective because it hits close to home for everyone.

    Needless to say I enjoyed your post:)

  5. Great video, I agree this should be on tv all the time


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