
Phobias are an interesting phenomena in that the alarm is much larger in proportion to the actual threat. It causes fear and anxiety towards a situation or object. Phobias can be attributed to many causes, including overgeneralization and classical conditioning (how can we forget Little Albert?), but many people report not knowing the particular cause of their phobia. In treating phobias, systems include systematic desensitization (training in relaxing), counter-conditioning, reciprocal inhibition, and different types of flooding therapy. Phobias are very real and serious as they can affect any human, but what is really alarming is the various array of phobias people express. The following video shows a somewhat humorous portrayal of random phobias.


  1. I have a HORRIBLE phobia of flying. I'm not sure why, but it scares me to death. It's so bad that IF I do have to fly, which I make sure isn't very often, I start hyperventilating. The last time I flew I was holding on to my husband's arm and I drew blood because that's how tight I was squeezing without even knowing it.

  2. I have a fear of being alone in my house at night. Sounds silly, but I can freak myself out within minutes. I think that I have been conditioned to have these fears from watching too much television. My husband constantly watches shows like Criminal Minds where there are people being murdered and home invasions, and now, those are the thoughts that go through my mind when I'm by myself. Phobias are no joke. They can truly control you mentally and physically.

  3. I am very scared of spiders, looking back now I know why. I was never bit by a spider that I know of but I used to live by the woods and there were huge spiders everywhere. I remember vividly one day my day picking one of these huge spiders up, flatening out his hand and allowing the spider try to bite his hand. The spider was trying to dig his fangs into my dads hand but couldnt bite because my dad had really thick callased hands. I was so bugged out and he pretened to throw the spider at me so then I really freaked and have been terrified of spiders ever since. Thanks DAD!

  4. I have the same problem as you Andrea! I have 6 other people who live in my house and there is rarely a time when no one is home but, when it does happen I get really freaked out. I watch True Hollywood Story Investigates all the time and I think that is the reason for my fear.


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