
As human beings, we have evolved into creatures that have inhabited a certain talent which gives us an "edge" over others. Not superhuman abilities unfortunately, but rather something more subtle. Some say it's having the "gift of gab," which is another way of expressing the ability to get your way by simply speaking. Simply put, some of us have a natural talent for the art of persuasion. Persuasion is the ability to get someone to do something in your favor, whether it be in an argument persuading your side, a sales pitch to influence someone to spend more money then they originally planned, or just getting someone to do what you want them to do without making them do it. A common phrase used from my personal experience is "finesse," which (according to urban dictionary) is a noun used to describe how one gets what they want by a way with words. But how can words influence our decisions?
According to Psychology Today, this "art of influence" comes from a subliminal technique that ques in on a person's interest in such a way that keeps them involved in what you are saying. Some examples include starting off with specific phrases, such as "I probably shouldn't say this, but..." which will more then definitely get someones attention. But this is the first step. Say we are lawyers in a courtroom trying to convince the jury on our side of the case. If we can successfully get their attention, we would want to argue a case in which shows sympathy, and would touch the hearts of the jury. By relating something to someone personally, we can better influence them to take our side. Persuading is a widely used psychological technique by various organizations which influence people to purchase their products. According to an article by Douglas T. Kenrick (Ph.D), social influence uses principles of authority, consensus, likability, reciprocity, and scarcity. Each principle uses a form of justification by which we feel more inclined to become influenced. Needless to say, we all have had experience with this art one way or another. Whether it be with younger siblings, friends, parents, people at work, or maybe in your profession. Advertisement companies have mastered this ability by emptying the wallets of consumers who probably could've saved their money. Persuasion is the very essence of why huge big box stores like Walmart, Best Buy, Target, Sams Club, and other retail stores and online retailers thrive so much.


  1. Very well written post! You make some very good points and have excellent examples for your reasons. Every big company brainwashes their consumers by persuading them into believing that they need that particular item right away even if they do not need that item.

    1. I agree with you Gabrielle.
      The post was interesting.
      The writer, Devon, had a lot of brilliant points which made for a fun read and time spent well. Our advertisements are one place that makes us think "Do we need this product?" Even if we don't, we might end up buying something just for the sake of it, and because the presenters or advertisers of a marketed product or brand have persuaded us to join the bandwagon and buy it.
      It really is a weird world.

  2. Very good post. I like how you related persuasion with the word finesse. The different instances you used to explain the art of influence is very true and relatable. I think everyone can think of a point in their life where they have been persuaded to take a side with another person or buy something from a retail store!

    1. Brooke,
      I agree with you how everyone at some point in their life has been persuaded to take a side. Even when it comes to buying something at the store. The first thought that came to my mind is when your at the store and you see something that is being sold for a great price or on sale. You might not need that specific item at that moment, however, you start thinking about how you will need it eventually. Then you start thinking well when I do need it, it will probably not be this cheap. So, even though you do not need it at that moment, you are still persuaded into buying it. I feel like this happens to me all the time!

    2. Brooke,

      Definitely. The sheer intellect to relate persuasion to the word finesse is magical.
      Additionally, Devon Larkins has many true points. Even Gabrielle mentioned that and I agree with that comment.

      Even Erika down there mentions that when we go to a store and see a great offer, we can't help to just end up buying it. In our minds it is fed that sales and offers come rarely, and that we must need to take action before this offer gets away. It's kind of like brainwash in which we just follow others and think that we don't want to be left out.

      Even some signs say "Don't miss this opportunity!" That is an indirect tactic to show us that we are mist out on something so that makes us feel guilty into just end up buying anything that comes our way, at the cost of it not even benefitting us in some substantial way.

      It happens to me all the time like Erika Thompsen stated.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. I enjoyed reading your post. It was very informative and touched upon some great concepts. Your post mentioned how it was discovered by Skinner that punishment can stop a behavior but, that behavior resumes when the punishment is withdrawn. I find this to be interesting, the fact that an animal or even a person can receive punishment for a specific behavior and yet go back and perform that behavior again. One would think that receiving punishment would have them avoid that specific behavior all together. Then again it made me think about how individuals commit crimes and become incarcerated. Then once released they go back out into civilization and just commit another crime. Then they find themselves incarcerated once again. It is interesting how for some punishment does not scare them nor stop them.

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  9. I enjoyed reading your post about persuasion because it is a topic that everyone can understand and connect to. Everyone at some point in their life will be persuaded or try to persuade someone else. I liked how you started off saying that it was a talent because I definitely believe that to be able to persuade anyone you need to do it in the right way and take many different things into consideration before trying to persuade someone.

    1. Tiffany - I agree. Persuasion is something we relate to. Even when we are typing these posts, we hope to persuade others into regarding our opinions and taking them into consideration in a way.

      It is a talent. Not every individual is blessed with the gift of persuasion. It has to be done in the right way as you so mentioned.

      Everyone either is persuaded or persuades others. That is the dichotomy of life. Nice reply!

  10. This was a great post! Persuasion is underrated and prominent in various areas. It is inevitable to run into to. You made this article fun with the fun variety of sources from urban dictionary, psychology today, and a scholar. I like the "finesse" piece. It is the perfect word for persuasion in most cases. It is an acquired skill that some people have and some can learn to get. Great article!

    1. Persuasion is definitely underrated and can be seen in great force in areas of politics for that matter, as well as religion, but that will be for another day!

      You mentioned that and it makes me think that even when we write essays for our school classes, we are trying to persuade the reader into coming into agreement with our opinions. It truly is a phenomenon that is everywhere. Persuasion is vast but in different forms.

  11. P.S.- I think someone who is good at persuasion can go far in life. If we win people over and take them into our side, we have better chances at leadership roles and being not a follower but someone who dominates in mainstream field. I feel like an individual who shows this excellence can benefit from leadership positions in their respective careers and attain promotions.

    Well done on this post! I think the rest of the comments are absolutely interesting.

  12. I agreed with your post about Persuasion, it is a big marketing word. We used persuasion on a daily basis, I use it all the time when I want my kids to do something my way, for example my 6 year old says to me "I don't want to go to school today" and would say, if you go to school today when you come back I will take you to the park, or we can watch a movie or I will tell you a story about a cat because I know, he likes cats, I would say what he wants to hear and that way he will fill much better thinking about doing that after school than thinking about going to school at the moment which is also a positive reinforcement.

  13. It's worth taking a longer look at this article.


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